DP Camps in Germany - M

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Photos at United Nations archives:
We have photo # UN22340: Ukrainiens DPs in Mainz-Kastel IRO Camp, US zone of Germany. Please let me know if you would be interested in obtaining hi-res scans ($3 each) or prints ($ 7 each) of them. Best regards, Clara Gouy photolibr@un.org, Photo Librarian, United Nations City archives: Rheinallee 3 B
55116 Mainz
0 61 31 - 12 21 78
0 61 31 - 12 35 69

Maczkowo (British Zone), 3,500 Polish DPs, etc.
Hello from Brussels,
I make a biography about the Polish grandfather of my wife, who was soldier in the 1st Polish armoured Division of General Maczek. I found in a friend of mine who was director of UNRRA in Maczkow from 1945 to 1946, British zone, original documents and pictures. If any persons who looks some documents about it, IÕll send it free with pleasure. Best regards. Gilles LAPERS gilles.lapers@skynet.be

"Unknown to us at the time of the beginning of the Battle of Magdeburg, was the fact that there was a substantially sized slave labor camp housed in the outskirts of the city.  This slave labor camp was actually liberated on 13 April 1945.  It held American and British POW’s, many of whom were air force crews who had bailed out of their planes as they were being shot down, as well as many Allied POW’s who had been taken prisoner during the preceding months.  Among them were many Displaced Persons from many of the surrounding overrun countries of the past several years.  Last but not least, was a large contingent of about 2,500 Jewish slave laborers, who had been spared a trip to the main ‘death camps’, due to the fact that they were young, strong and able to work hard and long hours in some of these factories, up to 18 hours a day."...

In previous cases, where smaller slave labor camps had been over-run and liberated, the local German citizens “were ordered” to take some of them into their homes, and to care for them until the appropriate authorities were able to organize centers, where they would be processed and then attempts made to return them to their native homelands.

For more see: http://www:30thinfantrydivision.org````
Submitted by Alan Newark braveheart562002@yahoo.com

Park at Malterdingen: http://www.europa-park.com I am trying to determine what camp we were in, found one document dated Nov. 15, 1949 from Malterdingen 266, Kreis Emmendingen, French Zone, another document that appears to be an International Certificate of Smallpox vaccination dated Jan 17, 1950 in Rastatt. Helen Bartkowski email: Helen@HelenBartkowski.com

Thank You for your reply. Just today I looked at my birth certificate which is a translation reads as follows:
I was born in 1945, my Mom Genowefa Chochol, nee Dworzynska was living in the DP Camp at Manching. I also found I spelled my Mom's maiden name incorrectly, it should be Dworzynska

The certificate is dated: Ingolstadt 2.2.1951, Sub Unit Ingolstadt, Legal Counsellor Doc. Mrg. M. Sobolski, Legal Counsello. A stamp reads:  IRO, sub area team 7, Ingolstadt, Legal Counsellor.

Thank You in advance for any information you can glean for me. Donna Morris dmorris@wvi.com

City archive:
68161 Mannheim
Rufen Sie vor Ihrem Besuch an
Tel: 06 21 / 29 37 139
City museum
C 5, Zeughaus
68159 Mannheim RE: Polska Kompania Wartownicza 4227 Labor Service Co.

Seeking information as to the subject army unit in which my dad, now age 75 years young served as military police with the US Army in Eberstadt with the 97th Labor Supv. Co. from 1945 until emigrating to New York from Butzbach, Germany in September, 1949. My dad was at Manheim Kaefertal 7711 Military Labor Service Training Center Koscuisko from 1945 to 1946. I would appreciate it if any one has any information to please contact me. Thank you so much.

P.S.Your web site is not only informative, but very helpful. AGemstone, AGemstone7801855@aol.com

Stadtbüro Marburg
Frauenbergstrasse 35
35039 Marburg e-mail: stadtbuero@marburg-stadt.de
Tel: 0 64 21/2 01-8 01 or 8 02
Fax: 064 21/2 01-8 28 We visited the Marburg administration building, and you are absolutely correct about the documents. I got copies of my Dad's and Mom's papers. We found the 2 places Mom and Dad lived at from '47 to '51 from the addresses on the papers. Marburg in late '40s and early '50s was a farming area. Marburg is absolutely beautiful - just like a typical German village with the fancy buildings you see in the school books in the 50s and 60s. Its a German college town now and I believe there are a lot of millionaires living there because there's so many nice cars and houses and the people are well dressed, etc. A Sucharew

Mariendorf lies between Tempelhof to the north and Marienfelde to the south. Between 1946 -1948, Mariendorf's Eisenacher Strasse was the site of a displaced persons camp which houses roughly 3,250 persons.

Marienthal, #2933, Land Niedersachsen (British Z.) mostly Polish
9/26/06 Dear Olga,
My mother Krystyna grew up in the DP camp Marienthal Horst. I am now undertaking a Phd research project which will look at memories people have of the Polish DP camps. As such, I would like to find contact information for people who spent time at the Marienthal Horst camp who would be prepared to be interviewed. I am also looking for more information on this camp in general - could you advise any further links? Many thanks and best regards, Tamara West, United Kingdom T.West@mmu.ac.uk

Marktredwitz, Bavaria, Latvian
Marktredwitz is a municipality in the district of Wunsiedel, in Bavaria, Germany, close to the Czech border. It is situated 22 km west of Cheb, 50 km east of Bayreuth and 50 km south of Hof/Saale.
City archive:
Egerstr. 2
95615 Marktredwitz

City website search form: http://www.marktredwitz.de

I, with my family, lived at the Marktredwitz from Oct 3 1945 to Sept 9 1947, please contact: Silvia Wolff . Sand1999@cornhusker.net

Dear Ms. Kaczmar:
My name is Hermann Trojanowski and I have been conducting research relating to my father Aleksander Trojanowski's time in Germany during World War II.

He was captured by the German Army in November 1939 and send to a prisoner of war camp (POW) in Mecklenberg where he remained until November 1940 when he was transferred to a POW camp in Marktredwitz.

He was liberated in April 1945 and then remained at the displaced persons camp in Marktredwitz until October 1945.

In October 1945, he joined the United States Army's 112th Labor Service Center and was stationed in Bamberg and Nuremberg where he met my mother. We immigrated to the United States in December 1951.

I have not been able to find any information about the Marktredwitz POW or Displaced Persons Camps except on the "German DP Camps" website.

Do you know of any other sources relating to the Marktredwitz POW and DP camps? I thank you in advance.
Hermann J. Trojanowski hermann3492@att.net
Greensboro, North Carolina

Jews in camp: Google translate

Marx, Wittmund
Municiple offices: Kurt-Schwitters Platz I, 26409 Wittmund
Tel: 04462/983-0
e-mail: rathaus@wittmund.kdo.de
Stadt archive e-mail to: Hier Klicken elke.luerkens@stadt.wittmund.de
or Tel.: 04462-983-220

Mattenberg Poles, Lithuanians, Yugoslavian, Russians
City archives: Stadtarchiv Kassel, Marstallgebaeude
Wildemannsgasse 1
34117 Kassel
Phone: 49-561-787-4050 or 4013
Fax: 49-561-787-4060 March 22, 2007

Dear Olga!
I was for short time in DP camp Mattenberg-Kassel. There was Polish, Lithuanian, Yugoslavian and some Russians. Anyone with information, please contact me. Sincerly R. Polchaninov, email: rpochaninov@verizon net. My husband was born in 1946 in Mattenberg-lager, near Kassel Germany. His birth name was Janis Libergs, his mother was Lucija Libergs. He was put into Bad Aibling orphanage at age 3, then sent to USA for adoption in 1950. His mother was sent to a TB sanitorium in Amberg, Bavaria, where she died in 1950. Do you have any other information about Mattenberg? My husband has terminal kidney cancer and is now in home hospice. I am trying to find out any other information about his past. Please let me know if you have any information or know where I might search. Thank you, Kitty Thvedt, kt71424@cox.net Tucson, AZ A place Mattenberg is not listed in a book containing all places in Germany in 1949. But in the city Kassel exists a street named Mattenbergstrasse. So perhaps there was the camp your are searching. Wolfgang.Strobel.Bonn@t-online.de
Update: This camp existed in 1946, was situated in Kassel-Oberzwehren and that at that time the UNRRA team 77 worked in this camp. Wolfgang Strobel

Mauthausen - See Slave page M-N

Mecklenbeck (British zone)

Meerbeck, Lower Saxony, (British zone); entire village was the camp; mostly Latvians
Meerbeck mentioned on this postage site: http://www.sossi.org/
Latvian Immigration History Research Center: http://www1.umn.edu/

Mein Meinleus (U.S. zone) Russian Boy Scout troops in camp.

Meierwik - Meierwik was a German Marine barracks until 1945, then a DP camp (2,500 Poles) until about 1948.
On 8/23/09 Wolfgang Strobel w.strobel@netcologne.de supplied this:
Meierwik lies between the towns of Flensburg and Gluecksburg on the Baltic Sea in Northern Germany. In Meirwik existed a DP camp at least between November 1947 and June 1949, possibly already before and still after this period. Meierwik was a small place near Muerwik. Muerwik is a suburb of the town of Flensburg. Today Meierwik forms part of the town of Gluecksburg.

When you google Meierwik you should get some results., for instance:
http://www.ferienhaus-gluecksburg.de click on Gluecksburg (history)

1950 wird das Kasernengelände in Meierwik, bis dahin Unterkunft für 3000 displaced people, meist zwangsverschleppten Menschen, die nicht mehr in ihre meist osteuropäische, nun kommunistisch gewordene Heimat zurückkehren können oder wollen, von den Briten freigegeben. Es entsteht dort ein Gewerbegebiet. Weiterhin werden ein neuer Schulanbau und am Friedeholz und in Ulstrupfeld neue Wohnungen gebaut.

The DP camp, 3000 people, was in former German Marine barracks which were under control of the British Occupation Army until 1950.

Fair hotels

Kaserne Glücksburg-Meierwik Camp Glücksburg-Meierwik
Lage: Etwa 4 km nordöstlich von Mürwik. It was 4 km north of Mürwik. Die Kaserne wurde wurde 1939 fertiggestellt und diente zunächst nur der Ausbildung für Unteroffiziersanwärter der Marine. Ab 1942 auch Ausbildungvon Offiziersanwärtern . Hier hatte der Oberbefehlshaber der Kriegsmarine, Generaladmiral Hans-Georg von Friedeburg , sein Quartier und hier verübte er am 23.Mai während seiner Verhaftung Selbstmord durch Gift. Nach der Kapitulation 1945 Unterkunft für DP`s (2500 Polen) und ab etwa 1948 Unterkunft für Heimatvertriebene und Flüchtlinge, nach 1956 Übernahme durch die Bundesmarine.

Stadtarchiv Meldorf in Meldorf
Bütjestr. 2, 25704 Meldorf
Tel.: 04832 6000614 *
Fax.: 04832 6000617

Standesamter in Meldorf
Im Bereich Standesamt in Meldorf (Dithmarschen (Kreis)) sind Sie auf der Suche nach Adressen, Tipps und Anbietern? Sie finden bei uns zu diesem Thema ein Branchenbuch mit Dienstleistern, die folgendes anbieten: Standesamter, Hochzeit und heiraten. In der Region Meldorf (Dithmarschen (Kreis)) sind 0 Adressen zum Bereich Standesamt nachfolgend nach Aktualitat geordnet mit vorhandenen Kontaktdetails, wie Postadresse mit Telefonnummer, Website mit E-Mail-Adressen und ggf. Offnungszeiten und Bewertungen fur Sie dargestellt.

Computer Translation:
Attorneys at law in Meldorf
Are you looking for addresses, tips, and vendors in the area of Mamt (Dithmarschen (Kreis) ? On this subject you will find an industry directory with service providers who offer the following: marriages, weddings and marriages. In the Meldorf (Dithmarschen (Kreis)) area, you will find 0 addresses for the area department according to the current situation with available contact details such as postal address with telephone number, website with e-mail addresses and opening times and ratings where applicable.

Memmingen airport (U.S. zone), UNRRA Team 155,
Lithuanians published a daily news called the 'Mintis', Russian Boy Scout troops in camp.
City Archvie: Stadtarchiv Memmingen
Ulmer Strasse 19
D-87700 Memmingen
Mail: Postfach 1853, D-87688 Memmingen Tel: +49 (8331) 850 143
Fax: +49 (8331) 850 149
E-mail: stadt@memmingen.de
Homepage: http://www.memmingen.de/

5/17/05 Hi,
Sometime in 1942 my father was taken as a forced labourer. He was in Zagreb. As I understand it he tried to escape a couple of times, once by attempting to walk over the mountains into Switzerland. In 1944 he was in Memmingen, Germany. I don't know if he was in a camp or not, the photographs indicate that he may have had some sort of autonomy. Can you suggest any camps that might be possibilities. Thanks Paul matosic@speed-mail.co.uk

Menden, #3108, #34/108, N. Rhine-Westphalia (British zone), mostly Poles,
Stamps from dp camp: http://www.jaypex.com

Meppen, #2612, Land Niedersachsen (British zone)
Meppen, located in the heart of Emsland, presents itself to you as a dynamic city of approximately 35,000 inhabitants.

Dalum -Camp XII , cc Sub-kdo of Kdo Veerssen of Neuengamme.; see researching British zone.

cc Kdo. of Neuengamme - Jan 16, 1945 2064 prisoners

Strafgef. Arbeitskolonne (workers colony)

Meppen-Veerssen, Strafgefangenenlager (convicts' camp), Camp V Neusustrum, worked for Hoch-Tief, Neuengamme - Engineerig type of work; 3/11/1944- Mar 25, 1945; 2064 prisoners, a small Kdo. (The Emsland Case. Brit War Crames Group), (from Neuengamme records).

Mayor: Ihr Bürgermeister
Jan Erik Bohling
Telefon: 05931/153-116
Fax: 05931/153-5-116
E-Mail: j.bohling@meppen.de

Sep 15, 2014 1:19 AM, Dear Olga,
I am writing from a genealogical company in Budapest, Hungary.
We are searching the information about Szelucha family that was in a Polish DP camp.

Unfortunately, we do not know the name of this DP camp. All we know is that our Wlodzimiersz Szelucha, born in 1916, married Owczarek Janina, born in 1923, in Meppen, 30 January, 1947. I wonder, whether some records left for Meppen for this time and whether you know what DP camps existed near Meppen during that time.

Any information that you can provide will be very fruitful for us.
Kind regards,
Natalia Shkaeva shkaeva@familytree.hu

Meschede (British zone), Yugoslavs

Mesmerode, Lower Saxony (British zone)

Mettman, Poles

Michelsdorf (White Russian), 1947

Box 15 Declassifield NND 993068 file #XE257685

Minden has its own page. (British zone)

Minden city home page http://www.minden.de/
archives: http://www.archive.nrw.de sites in German Kommunalarchiv Stadt Minden und Kreis Minden-Lübbecke
32423 Minden
Tel: 05 71 - 8 94 75
Fax: 05 71 - 8 94 75

How can I find information regarding my birth in either Minden or Menden DP Camp which ever is next to Hanover. I'm assuming its Hanover because Minden was near Hanover but now I know different. Until I saw your website I did not realize that there were two DP camps, similar in spelling and both had British presence. We came to the United States on 1950 (Boston). Julian Palinski PalinskiJ@si.edu

Mittenwald, has its own page

Moenchengladbach (N. Rhine region) and Münster (Westphalia region). See Münster.
Dear Olga,
Months ago I asked you for help in finding relatives of my parents Mykola Jemeljanenko and Weronika Alpina and I am very grateful to you for your advice. I have finally received information from the archives that you suggested. They were Ukrainian but living in Poland before WW2. My father lived in Maciejew and my mother in Lipno. During the war they were sent to Germany. My father was sent to Duisburg in 1943 then Nordhurn in 1945 then in 1946 to Bathurn Lingen DP Camp until 1948. My mother was in Datel Recklinghausen then Haltern, Muenster DP camps then worked at 18DPACS in Muenchen-Gladbach until 1948. I would appreciate it if you could give more information on those places. They migrated to Australia separately in 1950, My mother from Naples in Italy my father from Bremen, Germany so there is 2 years that they do not account for. Could you please place this on your web site again please Olga? Thank you in anticipation.
Yours Sincerely,
Anna McClure nee Jameljanenko. Contact me at pmcclure@iprimus.com.au.

The town Muenchen-Gladbach is today named Moenchengladbach. Submitted by: Wolfgang Strobel, author of Post der befreiten Zwangsarbeiter - Displaced Persons Mail Paid in Deutschland 1945 - 1949:

City archives: Stadtarchiv Mönchengladbach
Aachener Str. 2
41050 Mönchengladbach
Tel.: 49-2161-253241
Fax: 49-2161-253259
Email: stadtarchiv@moenchengladbach.de
Web: http://www.archive.nrw.de

Monchehof (U.S. zone), near Kassel; Russian Boy Scout troops in camp.
Dear Olga,
My father, Rostislav Polchaninoff, has been in contact with you regarding Russian DP Camps.
This is a photograph of a January, 1948, Christmas  Pageant "Snow White" in the Russian DP camp in Moenchehof near Kassel, Germany.
Thank you, Ludmila Polchaninoff-Selinskysleeping beauty pageant

9/4/04 I'm looking for information Josef Kramer who might have been in this camp, we have some information that he was not released until around 1950? Any information would be helpful. Thanks, Jackileen R. Rains. jackileenrains@sympatico.ca

Mühlenberg / Muehlenberg, #2718, Land Niedersachsen (British zone)

Mühlenteich /Muehlenteich (British zone)

Stanislaw Pastusiak and Olga Minakowa, my parents married twice while in DP Camps in Germany: one was a civil registration marriage in Mühlhausen in Thuringen (which I have a copy of); the second marriage took place in Ulm (it was a group wedding in a stable converted into a church by a Polish priest), how would go about finding out anything about this and hope to get a copy of it, where would these records be held? My family were in these dp-camps Mühlhausen, Ulm, Bissingen/Teck and Altenstadt between 1945 and 1949. These places were in the American zone about June 1945. Any ideas or help would be gratefully appreciated.
Julia Dyer

Mülheim / Muelheim / on the Ruhr #41/170, (British zone), Ukrainians, Poles
Stadtarchiv Muelheim
Aktienstrasse 85
45473 Muelheim a.d. Ruhr
Germany Muelheim 1933-1945 text in German Muelheim-Ruhr 1933- 1945 text in German
City archive
- Stadtarchiv
E-Mail: stadtarchiv@stadt-mh.de

Mülheim and der Ruhr Mulheim an der Ruhr (on the Ruhr River)
Google search

Maybe this is a new address: Stadt Mülheim an der Ruhr
Post box 10 19 53
45466 Mülheim an der Ruhr

Street address: Ruhrstraße 1
45468 Mülheim an der Ruhr

Telefon 02 08 / 45 50
Telefax 02 08 / 4 55 99 99

Müllheim, Baden, Wurtemburg

Mulheim image
Hi Olga, My in-laws were in a camp in Müllheim Germany; my father in law was a policeman in 1948 in the camp. I have attached a photo of Mullheim i B.,Bahnof (railroad station). (Mullheim is what is on the postcard and also how it is spelled on their passport. ) I sent off an enquiry to the stadtarchic@stadt.mh.de and got the reply that it is not in Mullheim an der Ruhr but to try Mullheim, Baden, Wurtemburg. stadt@muellheim.de which said they have no information and that the photo is indeed of the Railway Station and to their knowledge there was no DP camp located at the station......another dead end! Debbie Brejniak, kolega@speedlink.com.au Australia.

Münchehagen (British zone)

München / Munich has its own page, (US zone) See also Warner Kaserne Munich Freimann warner.html.

MünMster or Muenster, (with umlaut)

#3152 (Poles) , #3161 (Poles, Balts), #3210 (Poles, Balts Yugoslavs), #31/161, (sometimes written incorrectly as Munster), North Rhine-Westphalia, British Zone, 4 DP Camps in June 1945: Camp V1, army barracks at Hoher Heckenweg, (former POW camp #3152 (Poles) , #3161 (Poles, Balts), #3210 (Poles, Balts Yugoslavs), #31/161, (sometimes written incorrectly as Munster), North Rhine-Westphalia, British Zone, 4 DP Camps in June 1945: Camp V1, army barracks at Hoher Heckenweg, (former POW camp Stalag VIF), closed in July 1946. Camp V3, army barracks in Gremmendorf, closed in August 1945. Camp V9, schools, private houses and army huts in Mecklenbeck, closed November/December 1945. talag VIF), closed in July 1946. Camp V3, army barracks in Gremmendorf, closed in August 1945. Camp V9, schools, private houses and army huts in Mecklenbeck, closed November/December 1945. Camp V20, wooden huts in Mecklenbeck (former civil workers camp), closed November / December 1945. Münster has it's own page.

Munsterlager (no umlaut) , Niedersachsen (British zone)
Municple offices: Stadt Munster
Wilhelm-Bockelmann-Str. 32
29633 Munster
Tel: +49 5192 130-0
Fax: +49 5192 130-215
Email: stadtverwaltung@munster.de
Internet: www.munster.de

I really hope you can help my family. My mother's maiden name is GONCHAROV. On her birth certificate it says she was born in Muenster oerrel, kreis soltau, dp camp 39. My grand parents names were Frieda and Wasyl Goncharov . Can you tell me anything about this camp or my family? I looked through your site and couldn't find anything about this camp. I would really appreciate all your help. Thank you Kathy

On 3/26/08

While in Germany during the second world war Mrs. Irene Ozarchuk nee Kowal gave birth to a baby girl, Olga. When Olga was a few weeks old, she got sick and was taken to the hospital. The nurse which admitted the baby said to Mrs. Ozarchuk,  "Oh my name is the same Irene Kowal (Canadian Ukrainian). A few days later, the nurse brings the pillow and blanket of the baby and said the baby died.Irene Kowal Ozarchuk
The mother did not see the baby after her death. As the Russian soldiers were moving the people, she did not leave her barrack. All these years she presumed her daughter was dead until a few years ago she receives this picture stamped at Sydney Australia and at the back it is written in Polish: "Olga is a well and beautiful lady." No other information is given. So we presume Olga was sold as a baby in Germany because at that time they were stealing children and selling them. We presume this is the baby Olga, grown up and somebody knew about Mrs. Ozarchuk because the enveloppe was sent to her to Northam. That is why were are trying to locate her. The hospital was Soltau. The mother was in a displaced person's Camp named Munster. (Click photo to enlarge.)

We wrote to Germany and we received Olga's birth certificate but there is no record of her death. The hospital destroyed their records after 30 years so we couldn't get the information of when she was discharged and when they took Olga from the hospital.

We went to the Salvation Army police missing persons unit, but they all say they cannot help us. So we have tried different channels but to no avail. The mother is elderly and not too well, therefore, I would like to see them reunited because I really feel this is her daughter. If not then al least we'll clear the case. So if you have any further suggestion I would appreciate to hear from you. Thank you kindly for your time.
Sr. Muriel  Zemliak / Ozarchuk family, mzemliak2@bigpond.com

Oct. 1, 2013
Hanna Abaszidze (nee Trebert) 1916-1950
Hanna was born in Warsaw, and married in 1937 to Wachtang Abaszidze, a Captain of the 13th Division of the Polish Army.  She is a distant relative of my wife, whose family history I am researching.  I hope this post may generate some additional info about Hanna. 

Wachtang was Georgian, having fought in the Russian Civil War 1917-20 on the White Russian side, and escaped via Constantinople to be recruited into the new Polish Army.  Captured in September 1939, he was released in December 1939.  Hanna and Wachtang passed the war in Warsaw, but so far as one can gather they drifted apart towards the end.  Hanna managed to get away from Warsaw before the Uprising broke out on 1st August 1944, and at the end of the war found herself in the area east of Munich.  As she spoke several languages fluently, she quickly found herself employed by the American forces as an interpreter, and then soon joined the International Refugee Organisation as a welfare officer (see photo below).

She worked in various camps from 1945 to 1950, so far as I can identify, as follows: Hammerau, Murnau, Freilassing, Laufen, Ainring and Bad Reichenhall.  She was employed at Bad Reichenhall twice, and this was her last posting when on Saturday 13 May 1950 she drowned in a river above Bad Reichenhall trying to save the dog of a friend which had fallen into the river.  She had a very large funeral, and people came long distances to attend.  She would have been very well known in the camp network, being an outgoing and gregarious personality.  She was buried at St Zeno Church in Bad Reichenhall, where a stone on her grave was maintained by someone until about 2006.  I found the site of her grave a few years ago.

I have asked for this information to be posted on the Dpcamps website in the hope that it may ring bells with people interested in any of the camps listed.  Maybe fragments of information exist here and there which will help me build up a richer picture of this young woman whose life was cut off so prematurely.
Eamonn Judge ejjudge@googlemail.com

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