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Following text is computer translated from http://www.lad-bw.de/index.php
Concerning inquiries about forced labor: "The
Main public records Stuttgart (HStAS) received daily inquiries to proofs about
forced hard labour during the 3rd Reich. In the past year, approximately 400
letters reached us, in the first half-year 2001 about 270. Most of them come
from the Ukraine and from Poland, the remainder from Russia, Slovenia etc. The
documents proving forced laborer employments in Germany are incomplete, far
scattered and partially unclear. In many cases are such documents are in possession
of the cities and municipalities, in which hard labour took place, is it in
public records to find partly also country wide. for the HStAS result in itself
from the primary task, the inquiry to the responsible authority pass on usually
to archives or public records Baden-Wuerttemberg and other Land of the Federal
Republic, if necessary also in foreign country (e.g. after France or Poland).
There can be searched for excessive quantities and proofs for individual persons.
But before the HStAS can forward the request to the competent authority, it
must locate the indicated place of work clearly. And that is mostly the most
difficult part of the work. Often places of work are misspelled, the geographical
description of the environment do not fit not together, etc.. In such cases,
longer searches are and every now and then detective work is necessary, in order
to identify the places exactly (e.g., "Jetzgrube" instead of ore pit, "Geidegein" for
Heidenheim etc.).
Title page one of the most important reference books. Readable opinion In order to accelerate the treatment locally, with the HStAS all inquiries, which with Russian or Ukrainian deal, are translated into German, all data relevant for the search are segregated and into particularly a data sheet developed in addition registered. With this careful attention to the data, the HStAS hopes to support the searches at the source as well as possible so that the concerning must wait not for a long time for proofs of their hard labour.
Documents about "hard labour" in main public records Stuttgart: Term problem In the case of the inspection into the individual bundles a specific term problem results. During the designation "forced laborer" concerns it no source term. Rather the National Socialist linguistic usage varnished the circumstance of the hard labour, by addressing the concerning usually as "civil worker" or a "east worker". This actual conditions masking mode of expression is also otherwise, so for instance in formulations, according to which the workers became "enlisted", from the foreign country "mediated" or the work input "taken". It is thus carefully avoided to arouse the impression of an involuntary work. For the work with the sources this means frequently that a certain uncertainty arises over it whether it actually concerns forced laborers. A clarifying is possible therefore often only from the context.
Documents and existence: Basis for the available list was primary a systematic examination that as relevantly regarded Ministerialbestaende until 1945 (EBestaende of main public records)."
Stuttgart city archives: Das Stadtarchiv Stuttgart ist zuständig für die amtliche Überlieferung
der baden-württembergischen Landeshauptstadt. Ausserdem betreut es umfangreiche
Bestände nichtamtlichen Schriftguts und Sammlungen (Fotos, Gemälde,
Graphiken, Münzen, Pläne, Plaka
City archives: Stadtarchiv Stuttgart
Silberburgstrasse 191
70178 Stuttgart
Tel: 07 11 - 2 16 63 27
Fax: 07 11 - 2 16 44 56
State Archives: Konrad-Adenauer-Strasse 4
D-70173 Stuttgart
Telefon: 0711/212-4335
Telefax: 0711/212-4360
E-Mail: hstastuttgart@la-bw.de
The Department Central State Archives of Stuttgart (Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart) holds the ministerial archives of the government of Baden-Württemberg and the archives of the former central agencies
forced workers in Stuttgart, (text in German)
Ort and the DP camps:
ORT is one of the largest non-governmental education and training organizations in the world with activities in more than 100 countries past and present with current operations in Israel, the CIS and Baltic States, Latin America, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, North America, Africa, Asia and the Pacific.
United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration Archives Record Group: PAG 4 Box 3: District 1: Assembly Centers and Area Teams, Heidenheim, Ulm, Stuttgart
I was born in Stuttgart Germany in 1946 of a Polish mother and German father. Mother's name was Janina Walecyk Jaskiewicz from Chechly Poland; father was Freiderich Strahle from Kologne. I know that I lived in a town called Oberlenningen. I was able to contact the city hall and receive the information that I was born in military barracks that were used to house refugees. Is there any way to trace the camp I was in? Thank you for any suggestions. Rita Miller (Roswitha Walecyk)
4/17/05 Dear Mrs. Kaczmar:
During the time my dad's family lived in this camp, my aunt told me it was dedicated
to Armenian refugees only. I am in the process of acquiring some more information
about the camp in Stuttgart where my father and his family lived from about '45-'50.
My aunt confirmed that the camp was located in Stuttgart. I will send you the
information including pictures when I obtain them. Best wishes, John
am trying to find a person named Marik Danziger prison number B1149 from Poland.
He was a child survivor in Auschwitz. Can you help me in any way. I am from Ireland
and have been to Auschwitz in Easter 2005 and could not believe the horror of
what happened. I want to try to trace him hopeing he is still alive and well.
Records of the International Tracing Service in Arolsen, Germany, of which copies
in the Yad Vashem Archives, show that Marek/Moshe Danziger, born in Radom on
1 May 1940 survived the war and was in the Stuttgart Displaced Persons Camp in
1946. He then went to Israel in December 1947 and lived in Tel-Aviv on till
1964 and then left Israel where to I don't know but would like to find out. He
could have went to the USA. Can you help in anyway. His father's name is Shmuel
who was born Radom, Kielce, Poland in 1911. Merek's grandfathers name was NOACH,
his grandmother RACHEL, his other grandmother's name is ESTER MANDLEBAUM.Yours
Jim. email: jimcurran43@hotmail.com
9/5/07 Dear Olga Kaczmar!
My father, Mutzenmacher mojzesz Suchy, born in 1906, was in a displaced persons
camp in Stuttgart. My mother, Sara Hiller, born in 1917, was
also in the Stuttgart displaced persons camp in. They were married in 1945.
I am looking for any information about my parents: what was the name of their displaced camp in Stuttgart; the name of the concentration camp my father was, when did they arrive, etc. anything will be helpful and appreciated.
My father's first family: wife and 2 kids were murdered by the Nazi's. I don't know which concentration camp and I don't know what was my father's number. Is there a way to contact the archive of the displaced persons camp in Stuttgart?
Thank you for your time and effort, Malka Fulman. benf@nana.co.il
Feb 6, 2014 Dear Olga,
Thank you for providing such a great site on the DP camps. I'm really happy I found it.
My name is Nikki, and for the last year and a half I've been making a documentary about my neighbor who makes sculptures, Dmytro Szylak. He's 91 and in 1941 he found himself in a camp in Stuttgart. He said he was in the wood shop, and suspects he was making the leather straps that would be turned into ammo belts.
When it was liberated, he worked in the kitchen for the American army.
He and his wife got married there and were later sent to the States.
I would really like to include more information on the camp and photos of it to help explain what happened to so many people.
If you could help point me in the right direction I would really appreciate it.
I've attached some photos for your enjoyment. 2 from when he was there and 3 of him now with his sculpture. (he still gets up on that roof)
Here's a link to the trailer:
Thank you for any assistance you can provide, Olga!
Nikki nikki.e.sass@gmail.com
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