John Kaczmar's page 2

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John always loved horses and his daughter, Olga, inherited this passion.

Photo take sometime between 1940-45

Above right: This is the same barnyard 66 years later, after remodeling. This photo was taken August 2006, when I went to Ehingen, Germany to retrace my father's footsteps.

Additional Kaczmars not related to Olga:

Olivier Luczkiewicz


Olivier Luczkiewicz search:
The name of my parental grandmother was Maria Kaczmar (1873-1954 Nowy Sacz), daughter of Peter Kaczmar and of Xenia Gromadzka, born in Ropniatow and living at Markopol. She married my paternal grandfather Stanislas Luczkiewicz (1863-Busk, near Lwow 1923), on 22 of July 1898 in Markopol, the Church of Blessed Virgin Mary.
E-mail to: Olivier Luczkiewicz

Olga Bio Photo
Olga Kaczmar / USA

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